Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyō Wiki
Kazuhito Harumi
Harumi Kazuhito
Kanji 春海 和人
Romaji Harumi Kazuhito
Race Human* (formerly)
Dachshund Dog* (currently)
Gender Male
Eye Color [human] unknown
[dog] dark grey
Hair Color Brown and Black (As a dog)
Black (As a human)
Personal Status
Affiliation Kirihime Natsuno
Family Unnamed Parents
Madoka Harumi (sister)
Occupation Middle school student {formally}
Status Alive* (reincarnated)
Anime Debut Every Dog Has His Day
Japanese Voice Takahiro Sakurai
English Voice Blake Shepard

Kazuhito Harumi (春海 和人 Harumi Kazuhito) is the main male protagonist of Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyō series. He was a book-loving third-year middle school student until he was killed by an armed robber while protecting a young woman at a cafe. He was then reborn into his current form, a small dachshund dog. As a dog, Kazuhito is bought by a sadistic scissor-wielding woman named Kirihime Natsuno who tells him that she has the ability to read his thoughts. Soon, Kazuhito discovers that Kirihime (Kazuhito's new owner) is in fact Shinobu Akiyama - his favorite best-selling author as well as the woman he risked his life to protect at the cafe.


Kazuhito's Appearance

Kazuhito's Appearance

Kazuhito appears as a small dachshund dog with a long body, notable small legs and large ears that hang down to his shoulder. His underbelly is covered in light brown fur while his back in covered in dark brown fur. The tip of his ears, tail and all four legs are covered in light brown fur. From his underbelly, the light brown fur continues up past his jaw and up to his nose. Kazuhito also has a small light brown furred ahoge (hair antenna) on the top of his head. He also has two light brown patches of fur above his circular, dark round shiny eyes, making them look like eyebrows.


Kazuhito as a human

During his previous life as a human, he was a lean built teenager with dark colored hair that covered his eyes. He wore a male Shininaba high school uniform that consisted of a white polo shirt, a red tie, brown pants with a belt and black shoes. He wore a blue top with a white undershirt and dark blue cargo pants on the day his life as a human came to an end.


Before he was reborn into a dog, Kazuhito was polite and would get overly enthusiastic about books. He would get so enthusiastic about them he actually recommended Madoka Harumi (Kazuhito's younger sister) to read books and talk about them to her all day (only Akiyama -Shinobu books though). However, he could appear to be rude to people at times when they badmouth about books. As he would tell them a 2-hour long story about the history of books and what value they carry. Despite being a reader of many different kinds of books. He can be an airhead sometimes. As he does not notice that Kirihime Natsuno has feelings for him. But he has a rather comical side of him as well. Where he would sometimes make jokes about Natsuno's "flat chest", much to the annoyance of her. He is also incredibly selfless, as he gave his life defending a total stranger who was about to be shot.

As a dog, he has a habit of howling whether from shock or pain. Whenever he speaks to Natsuno or thinks to himself, his ahoge moves from left to right.


Kazuhito's parents, Madoka and their family cat named Tama had moved to Okayama due to his father's work, leaving him to live in Tokyo alone so that he could continue his obsession for reading by purchasing books on the release date (Living away from Tokyo means a later release date for books). He had met the condition of securing a place at a renowned and highly-competitive high school in Tokyo so that he could live alone in an apartment called Sumiya Apartments in Shin-Inaba that is owned by a distant relative who is a cute blue-haired lawyer.

He was doing light reading in a cafe when all of a sudden, a rampant man starts to rob the cafe and even pointed his gun at a customer. Kazuhito rushed in to save her, only to end up shot point-blank range in the head. As he was watching his life flash before his eyes, Kazuhito was determined to keep reading and hopefully read the final volume of the Deadly Sins series; Lust. Upon reaching for the said book, he was immediately sucked into the form of his next life.


Upon awakening post his demise, Kazuhito was ecstatic to be able to read once again, only to be shocked to discover that he had been reborn as a Dachshund. Over the course of the week, Kazuhito had read all the signs and logos in the store and howled out of desire to read an actual book. When he was thinking about Shinobu Akiyama, a mysterious woman in black came into the store.


Kirihime Natsuno[]

A girl with long black hair who has a passion for writing and best known as Shinobu Akiyama, she first met Kazuhito before he died while he protected her from a robber. Kazuhito describes her as a "sadistic-flat chested" girl. After Kazuhito turned into a dog, she bought him from a pet store and told him she could read his mind. Although, he is frightened by her presence, he would later came to understand what kind of person she actually is. Despite showing Kazuhito a more scary side of her, she actually loves him. Evidence was shown she would even go so far to risk her life in front off a car traffic to save him, as well as getting overly jealous when seeing him with other women or feeling uncomfortable when he gets closer to her. Despite all this, Kazuhito doesn't notice she has a crush on him.

Madoka Harumi[]

Madoka is Kazuhito's cheerful younger sister who loves to make curry for her brother and spend some of her time with him that she she is protective of her brother and would do anything in the world to be with him. After hearing Kazuhito died during a robbery, she broke down into tears and became mentally unstable. Later on, she became obsessed with him, even going so far to search for him even though she knew he was long gone. Madoka blamed Shinobu Akiyama - his brother's favorite author -for taking him brother away from her. After a battle with Natsuno, she returned to her former self and returned to her home after saying goodbye to the now-dog Kazuhito and Natsuno.


  • The name Kazuhito means "harmony, peace" (和) (kazu) and "person" (人) (hito).
  • Kazuhito's surname Harumi means "spring" (春) (haru) and "sea, ocean" (海) (mi).


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